Life Coaching, Consulting & Leadership Development
As a certified Oola life coach, I am here to help you find balance in an unbalanced world. Using the proven Oola framework, I can help you to have the energy to live life fully. Feel secure in your finances and never fight about money again. Do work you love. Feel deep connections with family and friends. Confidently pursue your purpose on...
I am a person in long term SUD recovery as well as a Master's level licensed trained addictions counselor (LADC I). In my practice I incorporate the idea that all paths of recovery are valid and should be honored. I meet people where they are at and proceed from there. Spirituality is the foundation of my personal recovery not to be confused with religion...
Myself and my team have been doing Interventions, Case management, Transporting, and Sober Coaching/Companion work since 2009. I am a member of multiple credentialing boards, and am happy to provide that information. We work anywhere in the country.
I help parents of children with autism go from overwhelm to confident and organized. Using my signature approach, I systematically address the major issues to help parents create a plan I call the Autism Roadmap. Are you overwhelmed by all the decision you need to make? Need help locating resources? Schedule your free Autism GPS session today.
Therapeutic Interventionist and Recovery Specialist
Phil Plant and Associates specialize in helping clients achieve sustainable, long-term recovery from addiction and co-occuring mental health issues. Recognizing that addiction is a family disease, we do an assessment of the family system, with emphasis on developing an individualized Recovery Plan for the loved on suffering with addiction and mental issues. Our services include:
Treatment Consulting, Therapeutic Intervention, Case Management and Recovery Oversight, Therapeutic Life Coaching...
I am a mom in sustained non abstinence based recovery. I am the founder and director of Rise & Grind Harm Reduction Recovery. We are an SSP offering harm reduction coaching and support groups. The foundation of our work is to love fiercely and without condition.
Southeast Therapeutic Consultants is a therapeutic and educational consulting practice located in the Asheville Area of Western North Carolina. With strong alliances in the therapeutic treatment and collegiate recovery communities across the country, we serve as a guide in the field of behavioral health treatment, planning, education, and case management. We help families facing the overwhelming complications involved in seeking treatment and looking for long-term recovery....
I have an art of walking along side recoverees while supporting them to remove barriers that stand in their way to achieve their goals. My own journey has provided recovery capital insights that allow me to confidently support anyone who desires to go forward on their recovery path or, those who just seek recovery support. I have been directly coaching recovery coaches, peers leaving treatment programs, parents...
South Tampa Therapy and Mediation ✓ Verified Provider
Our goal at South Tampa Therapy is to provide you with a comfortable, respectful and supportive environment where you feel open to explore any issues that come up during treatment. If, for whatever reason, we are not the right fit for you, we will provide you with resources and encourage you to find the place where you can begin your journey towards a more fulfilling life.
I’ve created...
Beacon is a team of education consultants and advocates who empower parents to find long-term, sustainable solutions for students with unique learning needs. We specialize in IEP and 504 planning, behavior support, and special education programming.
I am a Special Education Advocate! I understand from personal experience the overwhelming hurdles parents and students face in navigating complex and extensive rights detailed by federal and state laws as well as the necessity for support in achieving educational goals when faced with unique learning needs and disabilities. You and your child are the most important members of the IEP/504 team; let's make sure you are...
Through my lived experience and recovery of gambling harm and subsequent substance/alcohol abuse I have chosen to help others who are finding life difficult to navigate. I'm a trained Recovery Coach Professional (CCAR, RCA) and work alongside two charities, delivering a 'Life After Gambling' programme for one (Reframe) and sit on a development panel for lived experience for the other (GLEN). Both these roles are close to...
Simply put, I am here to help. Maybe you need to retain my services, or maybe you just need someone to point you in the right direction. I can help.
My role is one of expert support for parents that are doing their best to ensure student centered outcomes.
I have 20 years of experience, not just in education, but as a parent like you:
I am...
Meghan Robinson combines her personal recovery experience with the very latest holistic behavioral health solutions. Robinson is the owner of The Remembering Recovery Corporation, an independent behavioral health consulting firm, specializing in addiction and mental health crisis case-management. With a nationwide network of expert specialists, Robinson coordinates providers to create clinical and therapeutic treatment plans that result in systemic and comprehensive recovery for both her clients and...
Current PsyD candidate with competed pre-doctoral supervised hours under Dr. Jennie Holden.
I received my Masters in Psychology from Meridian University. Meridian University is a transformative learning program that is shaping me to be an Imaginal Psychologist; embracing the healing applications of expressive arts; mindfulness; somatic awareness; psychodynamic as well as cognitive behavioral interventions; offering safe and equitable spaces; and recognising the root meaning of “psyche” as...
My practice provides spiritual directorship and consulting for both individuals, groups, and companies.
Whether you are a CEO, a stay at home mom, or an emerging adult, my practice is devoted to helping those that may be questioning why they are still not happy despite having everything they need or want and may even be questioning their purpose in life.
Dr. Jennifer A. Burns is a dynamic, transformational psychologist. She has over a decade of experience working with individuals seeking recovery from substances. She embodies a trauma informed, strength-based approach while she assists others to embrace their life experiences to heal and become their best versions of self. She is passionate about supporting others where they are on their life journey. Jennifer’s innate motivation is to inspire...
Direct, solution focused, intuitive approach to healing, growth and transformation. I host private, intensive retreats for people looking to take their work further. Individual and group options available.
Recovery Coaching Professional for Adults 18 and over.
With over 3 years of Recovery Coaching experience, STGRise, LLC is here to help you be your best self. Brian Fraze of STGRise, LLC is a certified recovery coach (RCP) who can work with people struggling with both (or either) process addictions (sex, love, gambling, food, internet/gaming) and substances (alcohol, drugs, etc.). Brian can help navigate the life (divorce, loss of job, loss of freinds, etc.) and...
Get help and feel better from the safety and comfort of your own space.
Lisa Rosenberg Therapy provides telehealth services to residents in NJ, PA, and FL to teens (ages 14-19) and adults who want to build healthy relationships with themselves and others. From our first phone consult to the last session together, my goal is to develop a collaborative, trusting relationship to help you improve your mood while learning how to navigate the challenges of every day life. I emphasize...
Certified life coach and recovery coach professional working to inspire and support people so that they can move, and help others move, from barely surviving into the thriving life they dream of.
Dolan Research International exists to provide innovative, personal and diverse training to organizations and individuals around the world. Our highly trained coaches work to inspire and support people so that they can move, and help others move, from barely surviving into the thriving life they dream of.
We start wherever you find yourself and end up evolving into wellness past addiction and disability. I practice virutally and find home in Vancouver BC Canada - the place of all things super, natural, organic, healthy.
We will use transformational and conventional motivational interviewing, goal setting, and natural health strategies to elevate you beyond addictions.
I'm a 22 year practicing rehab professional:
* wellness / holistic - whole...
O’Connor Professional Group (OPG) is a concierge behavioral health company dedicated to helping clients create sustainable paths to recovery and improved well-being. Our discreet, high-quality services are designed to help individuals and families navigate treatment options, manage crises, and achieve clinical stabilization to promote long-term recovery.
Life can throw us a lot of curveballs! Are you feeling overwhelmed? Relationships, pregnancies, babies, new jobs, new moves, and new places can disrupt our mental health and leave us feeling anxious or depressed. If you’re feeling less like yourself, with anxious thoughts, trouble sleeping, trouble making decisions, difficulty motivating or just feeling like your new life wasn’t what you expected, I can help get you on...
The Recovery Guides is a behavioral health services provider. We integrate with current care continuums, consultants, and clinicians to provide wrap around support services such as: Intervention, Private Investigators, Crisis Navigation, Case Management, Transport, Drug & Alcohol Testing, and In-Home Support Staff. We work regularly with adults and adolescents.
Hello, I'm Lydia! I am a passionate Certified Addiction Recovery Coach, Certified Peer Recovery Advocate and Designated Recovery Coach Professional. My mission is to support individuals struggling with addiction and mental health issues on their journey towards healing and wellness. Having experienced my own path to sobriety, I understand the importance of having a strong support system and professional guidance in the recovery process. Together, we can...
I am person in long term recovery from complex PTSD and SUD for fifteen years. I am a NC Certified Peer Support Specialist, teacher and trainer of same, course developer and Recovery Coach.
I help to empower Christian leaders to transform their mindset so they can do life on purpose and full their God-given destiny. I am a Certified Leadership Coach, Certified Oola life Coach, and an Ordained Christian Minister.
I offer recovery solutions through an integrative approach body, mind, and spirit. We explore the body/mind connection as well as the gut/brain connection using spiritual solutions and self care practices, including whole food nutrition, mindfulness meditations and practices, exercise, expressive writing, and a host of other natural and organic solutions, all specifically tailored to your individuality, and health and wellness goals. I am merely your guide to...
As a woman in retirement with long-term recovery in and around substance abuse, I chose to create a community for women who are in recovery or considering recovery, from alcohol and other addictions. The problem may be through the woman's own use or a woman being affected by someone else's use. Either way, Women Rocking Recovery offers a variety of workshops, readings, support groups, and more for...
I seek to help people tap into their own intrinsic resources and guide them to develop new ones. Through personalized behavioral interventions I encourage growth so people can blossom into the integrated individual I believe they can be. The purpose of my work is to help find solutions for obstacles that are getting in the way of individuals meeting their fully realized potential.
I work through an...
Born and raised on the Jersey Shore, my life was a mixed blessing of love and accomplishment mixed with the shit show of peace love, and drugs, drugs, drugs, which dominated my landscape till my marriage to a girl from Martha’s Vineyard. My last line of coke was at my wedding on June 28, 1986, which demarcated my climb back to reality. It was a...
Integrated Recovery Support Services ✓ Verified Provider
our Mission Statement:
To strengthen the capacity of the recovery community by integrating education, resources, trainings and leadership to recovery coaches, service providers and community organizations. Inspiring breakthroughs in the way all communities treat persons in recovery from mental health, addictions and incarceration.
For over 20 years, I have been teaching a methodical and predictable approach to passing the bar exam. My course is mainly UBE-focused. The UBE is the predominant test offered in the United States and continues to be adopted across the country. I am most known for my work with anxious re-takers and for providing emotional support through my process, which I created for my own bar...