- Issaquah WA
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- (425) 340-8496
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Sound Reovery Coaching ✓ Verified Provider
Drug and Alcohol Recovery Coach
My name is Sean Rodda, and I am a Professional Recovery Coach. I began my recovery journey in 2015. After too many years of over indulgence in drugs and alcohol, I learned that my use was going to put me into an early grave. I had my last drink a little over a year later.
To date, I have trained with multiple recognized organizations and have been coaching professionally for nearly two years.
I am a Certified Professional Recovery Coach through the IAPRC (International Association of Professional Recovery Coaches), have earned the Certificate of Designation as a Recovery Coach Professional from CCAR (Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery) and am a member of their affiliated IARCP (International Association of Recovery Coach Professionals). And I am a Level 1 Certified Nutrition Coach through Precision Nutrition.
I am also an active member of the Recovery Dharma community.
I work 1:1 with individuals who wish to begin - or continue - their journey of recovery from drugs and alcohol, and I work with family members and loved ones who seek to better understand and support those close to them as they navigate their road to recovery, and beyond.

- Drug Addiction Recovery Coach
- Alcohol Recovery Coach
Gender of Provider
- Male
- Agnosticism
- Atheism
- Buddhism
- Wicca/Paganism
- Spiritual
- Other Spiritual or Religious Affiliations
Language Spoken
- English
- 12-step Alternatives Friendly
- 12-step Friendly
- Queer-Affirming
- Supportive of All Pathways to Recovery
Recovery Status
- In Recovery - Substances
- In Recovery - OTHER
- $0-$150